Thursday, March 19, 2015

Out of Sight Out of Mind

I wonder how Lent is going.

The church I have been attending was closed for a snowstorm, then had an anniversary service, and now I am not there because of March Break. So... I have really forgotten about Lent this year. It is an honest question for me. I have not spoken to anyone or heard anything about the observance – and to be fair, I think it has been getting less and less each year.

I read a book about being a Buddhist in a non Buddhist country this past week that had a lot of insight that seemed to apply to us as Christians. It basically talked about how easy it is to be reminded to meditate when you live in a country where there is a Buddha on every corner, a prayer flag from every tree...

But in secular Canada you could go days, perhaps even weeks without seeing the Buddha anywhere – so what is going to remind you to meditate?

Sounds familiar... out of sight out of mind applies to Jesus as well I imagine.

Which is what Lent was about lo those many long years ago. A period of time, 40 days long, where we were constantly reminded to pray, to think about Jesus, to make religion the centre of our lives. Part of it was publicly marking yourself as Christian, ashes and austerity. Part of it was giving up something you loved so that every time you wanted it, like chocolate, you were reminded that God was more important than, gasp, chocolate.

I have noticed this so acutely this year when I am not working in a church. It is the first time in 20 years. I have never experienced a high holy season in my adult life as anything but a minister and it is eye opening. The stuff I just assumed you all thought about – you never do. Nothing is out there in the real world reminding people it is Lent. In fact, it is quite the opposite, We are reminded that spring is coming, that it is March Break, that the Easter Bunny is bringing chocolate, that we need a new car – anything but that we should think about God.

In Thailand if you look up you will see a prayer flag. If you are in a store there will be an alter with some incense and the Buddha. Go into any restaurant in Asia, in fact, and you will find the waving cat ushering wealth and good fortune through the door.

Anyone remember the last time they saw a crucifix in public? How about a picture of the last supper or the words of a prayer?

I am not talking about evangelism. I seriously do not care if anyone becomes Christian. I don't think we need to be forcing any type of faith on anyone. But I have known lots of people who have spent serious time in Asia – and that is not the point there at all. In fact, they would rather you did NOT become Buddhist, and no one is ever going to ask you about it. But THEY are Buddhist and so they have a statue of Buddha. Or Hindi and thus Ghanesh is welcoming people at their alter. Or what have you... but us... we are ashamed.

Or at least, that is my best guest. Christians seem to actively work at being not Christian, at hiding who we are, of making sure there are no religious artifacts or artwork to remind us. And so if you do not go to church...

So seriously. Anyone celebrating Lent? I mean, an hour after church is over? Anyone remember their faith on a day to day basis? Or is it out of sight out of mind. And if that is the case, what can we do about it?