The Times and Transcript has made its online copy a "pay to see" service. So I am going to resume posting my columns on this site after the fact.
FAITH TODAY - Times and Transcript - December 2011
Most of us self-identify in some way. We are happy today, or
sad; we are young, or old; we are male, or female.
Some of those identifications get thrown onto us, like
whether we are part of the lower economic trenches or the middle class, or
wealthy. When people say someone is poor, they have an image in their mind, and
whether or not you fit into that, you are labeled.
Some of them are classic genetic differences that we cannot
really do anything about, like being left handed; or fitting more into the
world as an introvert or an extrovert.
So you are religious or atheist, right?
The best line ever in my education was this story about one
of our professors. He was teaching a first year religious studies class at
university; those classes are almost always filled with hundreds of curious
students by the way and one very angry young man confronted the teacher after a
“I don’t know why I’m even here,” he said, “I don’t believe
in God!”
To which the wise professor replied, “Tell me about this
God, perhaps I don’t believe in them either.”
This is what always gets to me when I read books like
Christopher Hitchins “God is not great” where he argues against Christians as
being silly. Well, I have been ordained for 16 years, I went to church for a
couple of decades before that, and I have undertaken four university degrees in
religious studies; and you know what, I think the Christians he is talking
about are silly too.
He picked one narrow definition of someone who is religious
and attacked them as the stand in for everyone.
Pick any issue of the faith that you are concerned about –
were we created or did we spontaneously erupt from protoplasm, for example,
and there will be people in the church, the synagogue, the mosque or the temple
who will believe every single scientific and philosophical variation of this
issue possible.
In other words, religious people are just as human and just
as different as anyone.
I guess I mention this for two reasons: the first is that
when I say I am a Christian, I am often judged, and judged in a way that is not
very accurate of who I am. Most Christians for example, seem to argue I am not.
Which is neither here nor there, just that we do not all come from a cookie
cutter mould.
The second reason is that one of the things that has brought
religion to its cast off state is this precise problem. People in the church
think everyone has to be the same, or think the same, and act the same. We
assume when people come to worship they are all looking for one thing.
Think about it, for the majority of people worship is: 200
year old music, liturgical moments where the leader does something almost
magical, prayers that sound the same as they always have.
Now, on the plus side, tradition evokes emotion and allows
us to easily enter into the experience. On the negative side, they are all
cookie cutter moments designed for one type of person.
Within the pews of my church as an example, I have six
generations of people. Some of them grew up listening to swing music, some to
hippy folk music, and some to techno pop. What music should I play to inspire
an emotional response from them?
There are people out there who firmly believed that moral
issues like abortion, divorce, homosexuality and the like are so bad we should
not even talk about them; while the people younger than me cannot even fathom
why these should be issues.
And when it comes to faith my parents grew up in a world
where a Catholic would not talk to a Protestant; by the time I was maturing
that seemed silly, but there was no way a Muslim or a Jew or Buddhist was right
about anything. For those born today they will not be able to fathom why we
thought there was such a big difference between any religions.
Whether we are talking about church or culture, the one
thing we need to do as soon as possible is realize that almost everyone is
different. So let’s respect that and incorporate it into how we do the things
we do.
Then, perhaps, we can turn this world around.