Marx once famously quipped that religion is the opium of the people,
that he was saying that religion is used to keep people happy, to
keep them complacent, and to keep them in line.
if you be good and follow the rules and do not stir up any trouble,
you are being faithful to God, who is in charge anyway, and you will
be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams in the afterlife.
be fair, Marx was right that too often this is what religion becomes.
I saw it growing up where some of the more strict baptists I knew
believed the world to be a vale of tears from which they would one
day be rescued. And when you see this life as a place you need to be
rescued from, what difference does anything really make? Why recycle
for example, if there is no value to this world. Why worry about the
environment? Why try to change things?
long as you are good, follow the rules, confess your faith… you
will be rescued from the hell that is life on earth.
you are a Christian I am thinking this might not sound all that
crazy. There is at least a part of that way of thinking built into
every denominations way of understanding the faith. I just don’t
think that most of us are so black and white anymore. But when
someone dies we console each other with the thought that they are in
heaven, and we make half hearted jokes about getting rewarded for our
good behaviour.
feel that sometimes we conveniently forget our own foibles when we
look out into the world and condemn others.
So I
want to suggest to you that when a fundamentalist does something
terrible, when there are suicide bombers, when there are death
threats, whenever religious extremism resorts to violence, their
thinking is not very far off from our own.
extremists come in many forms, don’t forget. There was that guy in
Norway who shot all the teenagers, there was Timothy McVeigh in the
states, I could do you a whole long list. But here is an interesting
fact as reported by the Globe and Mail, 90% of the worlds terrorist
attacks are performed by non Muslims, while the number one,
overwhelmingly, targeted group of terrorism, is Muslims.
Murder, even rudeness have their genesis in this idea I have been
talking about, that this world, these people, life itself, is only
temporary. That there is something better waiting on the other side.
for some reason we convince ourselves that Islamic extremists who are
willing to strap a bomb on themselves, or open fire on strangers are
completely crazy for thinking their reward is in heaven.
is also a very Christian way to think. Think of the crusades, for
of Waco, the Jonestown Murders, even Charles Manson. These people all
felt that death was preferable because it would usher in salvation.
And they are all Christian.
brings me to the latest bit of London terror, the attack on the
Finsbury Park Mosque. The media plays it up as if this guy was
mentally ill and that is why he did it, which certainly is true. But
he was also anti Muslim, and Christian.
know I am circling around a topic without naming it. So here it is,
the only true religious value is love. That is it, pure and simple.
And the worst, the absolute worst people in the world for
disregarding this truth are Christians - the people who claim to
follow a person whose one message was that all of religious truth can
be boiled down to “love God, love others, love yourself.”
is not opiate stuff - that is not get into heaven stuff - that is
hard truth, and hard work. And the first step to getting back in
track is to admit that we are the ones who got off track in the first
place, just saying.
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